Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hair Story

I just colored my hair again.  It's an old box I had forgotten was in my closet.  I had hoped for the best.  I'm still not sure what color it is.  It was supposed to be a light auburn, but it seems the red has lost its strength a bit.  It's a dark reddish brown.  I don't like it. 

My sister instructed me in no uncertain terms that my hair should be a color found in nature.  My sister, Miss Conservative.  She's finally conceded she is a "summer" like me and has to wear (oh no!) blue!

 Sigh.  Tacky hair days need to come to a close.  I had hoped for something lighter though.  Maybe I'll have to take me to the hairdresser in a few weeks and have them lift the color a bit and color it lighter.  I don't look that great in summer with dark hair. 

I'm a blonde at heart.

MEthepic  smallredhairforweb

You've seen this before, me in 2004.  It attracted too much attention from too many weirdos.  I finally cut it and went to this >>>>

I knew I could go red to blonde but I couldn't go blonde to red, when my hair started to grow in.  So I figured I'd start with red and it's been fun but I want my blonde back.  One thing is certain:  I am not cutting it.

I sold the Josh Groban tickets, yay.  I really didn't want to drive all that way alone.  I love his schmaltz.  But I can listen here at home.  Maybe if he ever comes to Hartford.  The Casinos are too far away to be a comfy ride.  I like convenience!!!

Oh this is fun.  The story of no hair to hair.



July 2005, I still had eyelashes and eyebrows.

     peachfuzz3-4ths         myeyes


November 2005 - pre-surgery, full of fluid, no eyelashes or brows.


Feb 2006  - Just back to work

I rather liked the "Ceasar" look

 mar2406 006

March 2006...sticking straight up.  Colored a weird dun.  I just wanted to color the gray.  Actually the gray was kind of nice.

               mar2406 089

Later Mar 2006   - got rid of the brown and went red.  A nice color. 


June 2006


Boat ride to Long Island, September 2006.  Like an idiot I went and had a haircut shortly afterwards.  I was 10 lbs heavier here than I am now.  In fact I've lost 30 lbs since surgery.  I guess when I look at it that way it's not so bad.


May 2007 - brilliant red.  Found only in rust and sunsets.

Okay now maybe I can find something to write about that's not all me me me....

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